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Pardesi is a platform & community that celebrates, empowers, and amplifies the voices of South Asian women and femmes around the world. We do this by creating a collaborative multimedia space rooted in powerful storytelling and community building.


Our ethos is to create a space with the message of love and acceptance, and through our events, development programmes, and working with other platforms and individuals, we hope to present a new kind of digital community - a supportive, positive community where collaboration is valued over competition.


Our Vision: We seek to build a powerful online presence for South Asian women and femmes across the world. We celebrate, empower and amplify the voices of South Asian women and femmes worldwide so that we can affect change and create genuine representation. 

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How To Get Involved

Join The Community

Join our Community Slack space and connect with South Asian women and non-binary people in your local area and around the world! It takes 1 minute to join, and it's free!

You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and for professionals, LinkedIn too! Join over 7000+ existing Pardesi community members and become a part of a global sisterhood dedicated to South Asian female empowerment. 

Come To
Our Events!

You can find out about our upcoming events here or on our social media. If you have any ideas for an event or would like to collaborate on an event, get in contact!

We run a number of events, both virtual and in-person throughout the year. From workshops and talks to fun socials, our events are a great way to connect personally with the Pardesi Community. 

With Us

Pardesi is a collaborative space and we love hearing from cultural organizations, brands, and individuals! ​

We are always looking for collaborations! Whether for press invitations, event collaborations, interviews or anything else.


Find out more about our global Mentorship Programme for and by South Asian women and femmes and our Fiction Writing Group for creative writers!

Participate in one of our incredible community programmes!


Almost all people who write for us explore themes of identity, representation, feminism or activism in their work. You can submit a pitch to us and find out more about the process.

You can share up to 200 words for Pardesi Perspectives, a section of our newsletter to share your insights on a topic of your choice!

Our Values


Power for the individual woman comes from the power of the collective. At Pardesi everything we do is underpinned by our aim to unite South Asian women around the world, and building a community is at the heart of this. South Asians have traditionally fixated on what divides us more than what unites us. Though we are careful to never present the South Asian female community as a homogenous group, we focus on highlighting values and experiences to which we can all connect, with the hope that this will build a strong collective.



We employ an intersectional approach to our content, ensuring we are creating space for those from all backgrounds to share their voices and be heard. Not only this, but we also celebrate the achievements and successes of South Asian women to show the world we are a force to be reckoned with, and not a submissive, powerless stereotype. We challenge the image of South Asian portrayed in mainstream spaces and raise the profiles of South Asian women in underrepresented industries.

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We want to encourage people to share their stories and experiences. There is so much power in our own voices and stories and we create a safe space for stories to be shared without judgment. True change comes from sharing our stories with the world. 

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There is enough negativity surrounding the South Asian community, created by external voices and also created by our community itself. Pardesi strives to be a safe, POSITIVE space for all and does not support negative energy in our content. 

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